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Community Of  Practice

SISA stands for System Innovation towards Sustainable Agriculture

Announcement: SISA-3 is on the run! See you in Riga very soon

See the last @Book

Published in CC by

AgroEcological Transitions : changes and breakthroughs
in the making

Edited by   Boelie Elzen, Anna Maria Augustyn,
               Marc Barbier & Barbara van Mierlo

Comment the SISA2 @Book

Click here to add your own text and comments

Go to the Second SISA
Conference web site

Sponsored by

See the previous @Book

System Innovations, Knowledge Regimes, and Design Practices towards Transitions
for Sustainable Agriculture. 

Edited by  Marc Barbier and Boelie Elzen

Go to the first SISA
Conference web site

Published in CC by

What else ?

The SISA 3 Conference is on the run!

International workshop on System Innovation towards Sustainable Agriculture
to be held in RIGA (Latvia) 6-9 november 2018

at the Baltic Studies Centre

See the website of the conference here


Have a look at the Call here
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